This property controls the direction and flow of the content in an element. Its use is deprecated in favor of the ‘writing-mode’ property which accomplishes the same purpose.

div { layout-flow: vertical-ideographic; }

Content rendered vertically

Possible Values
Value Description
horizontal Character glyphs flow one after another from the source content from left to right, starting from the top of the element's rendering box. When a new line is started, it starts below the previous line at the left-hand side of the element's rendering box. This is the layout mode used in most Roman-based documents.
vertical-ideographic Character glyphs flow one after another from the source content from top to bottom, starting from the right side of the element's rendering box. When a new line is started, it starts to the left of the previous line at the top side of the element's rendering box. Full-width characters are rendered with their top on the same side as the top of the rendering box, and half-width characters (select kana glyphs and western characters) are rendered rotated 90 degrees clockwise to the original rendering box's orientation. This layout mode is used in East Asian typography.