Web 2.0 Concepts to Keep your Members Coming Back

Web 2.0 Concepts to Keep Your Members Coming Back Again and Again and AgainWeb 2.0 may be the most overused and misunderstood, the end of the decade. What this means in a nutshell is focused on providing the user a Web site. Basically many members of marketing websites are 2.0, in particular the social networking sites. Users determine the content and form of forums, blogs, article posting, comments, and so on. To further enhance the usability of your site and therefore the benefit to your members, here are some ideas to give some interactive extras or pension benefits. Training courses are an excellent tool to provide benefits to your members. There are multiple forms of delivery of the course. You can use email - text or HTML, or both pdf downloads pages, website content, streaming and downloadable videos and audios.E-mail formations - Get your members to subscribe to an e-mail training that takes place over eight weeks perhaps, is a great way to keep engaged with the members of your site over a period of time. You could make a free course, a course paid, or both. Maybe give them some free lessons and ask them to pay for the rest of the way, once they are inside. However, to achieve maximum visibility to distribute all of a course or even several courses of good quality for Free will really get people to come back to your site. We do this with some of our own members, including sites MembershipMillionaire.com. Video Tutorials - This is a very efficient form of training as it is much easier to show your members what you are doing, rather than trying to explain it. It prevents your students become frustrated when they can? T understand what you are explaining, and reduces misunderstandings. You could do it yourself using videos or software that you could hire experts in video if you are not comfortable using software or making videos. You could do simple power point slideshows and tell them or you could stand / sit in front of the camera and talk. With a lot of Internet users to broadband or DSL and the computer nowadays increasingly rapid faster processors and videos are now mainstream.Teleclasses - Teleclasses are similar to conference calls and conducted by phone. They are an excellent way for your members to participate in live learning, as well as to have a personal interaction with you and others in your field there are many services that offer lines of the teleconference for you are using. Some are free and some have paid services, you must decide what is best for your business. You can even save your calls, transcripts took and then sell this product as another in itself. To top off you can offer reprint or resell these rights at the request and sell licenses.Product comments - Reviews posted by other members is a fantastic interactive medium. It could also engage in polemics! Nothing is faster than the traffic controversy good or bad. Allow your members to say what they think about products and services they used. This will not only help the other members and visitors at the site, but it will add a lot of content to your site that search engines love. Sites such as Amazon.com, and other SureFireWealth.com do so on a regular basis basis.Guest interviews - Evaluation interviews with a well-known personality is connected to your niche object will add enormous credibility to your site. Promote guest interviews on your site and in your newsletter. This is a quick way to get great content. You could after the interview on your site to site content. Or you could have the streaming audio or video, and even letting members download your interviews. Let the comments and observations after the interviews and you have even more content.Forums - Forums are a type of virtual community and provide an opportunity for people with similar interests to talk to each other. Your members have a shared interest in your niche subject, the creation of active discussion forums won? T be too difficult. Here's a tip, have good screens and admin forum in place to keep things smooth. Having multiple monitors can help you get your new forum started, and keep the ongoing discussions. You can keep your forums open to all. It will be better for traffic search engines, but it can also attract spammers and hackers forum. Having a private forum for your members can keep things safer and witty as individuals.Competitions - Encourage your members to post on your forum or a blog by launching a competition. The awarding of a prize per month for a person who made the best poster on your forum, and each display would be another entry into the draw. Or maybe give a prize to the member who wrote most of the comments or posts most of the comments made each month to your site.Involving your members in surveys and polls surveysMember - Ask your members to answer a simple question on your niche theme is a simple and efficient Middle engage them in the site. Have a regular monthly survey and publish the results of the previous month? S poll over the issue for this month. Polls - Some niche topics lend themselves to investigations. If yours do you conduct a survey about your membership site itself. This gives your members an opportunity to express their views and let you know what changes they would like see.Getting feedback can also let you know when to take your membership site. By allowing your members to tell you what they want, you can simply give it to them. We took ourselves investigations over the years and they can be very insiteful. The survey, or you generate data from the survey may be gold to your system of customer feedback for the future of your business.Newsletters - Newsletters can be used to highlight forum posts, the issues that people have asked, blogs and even case studies, the results of the survey, the success stories and more. Get your community involved in online content in your newsletter. They? Ll be invested in the outcome. We will get more in depth about the ballots in another article.For Now I hope that these few ideas you gave to go with.
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