Font family: the 'font-family' property

Value: [[ | ],]* [ | ] | inherit
Initial: depends on user agent
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

This property specifies a prioritized list of font family names and/or generic family names. To deal with the problem that a single font may not contain glyphs to display all the characters in a document, or that not all fonts are available on all systems, this property allows authors to specify a list of fonts, all of the same style and size, that are tried in sequence to see if they contain a glyph for a certain character. This list is called a font set.


For example, text that contains English words mixed with mathematical symbols may need a font set of two fonts, one containing Latin letters and digits, the other containing mathematical symbols. Here is an example of a font set suitable for a text that is expected to contain text with Latin characters, Japanese characters, and mathematical symbols:

BODY { font-family: Baskerville, "Heisi Mincho W3", Symbol, serif }

The glyphs available in the "Baskerville" font (a font that covers only Latin characters) will be taken from that font, Japanese glyphs will be taken from "Heisi Mincho W3", and the mathematical symbol glyphs will come from "Symbol". Any others will come from the generic font family 'serif'.

The generic font family will be used if one or more of the other fonts in a font set is unavailable. Although many fonts provide the "missing character" glyph, typically an open box, as its name implies this should not be considered a match except for the last font in a font set.

There are two types of font family names:

::definition of">
The name of a font family of choice. In the previous example, "Baskerville", "Heisi Mincho W3", and "Symbol" are font families. Font family names containing whitespace should be quoted. If quoting is omitted, any whitespace characters before and after the font name are ignored and any sequence of whitespace characters inside the font name is converted to a single space.
::definition of">
The following generic families are defined: 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', and 'monospace'. Please see the section on generic font families for descriptions of these families. Generic font family names are keywords, and therefore must not be quoted.

Authors are encouraged to offer a generic font family as a last alternative, for improved robustness.

For example:

Font test


What's up, Doc?


The richer selector syntax of CSS2 may be used to create language-sensitive typography. For example, some Chinese and Japanese characters are unified to have the same Unicode codepoint, although the abstract glyphs are not the same in the two languages.

*:lang(ja-jp) { font: 900 14pt/16pt "Heisei Mincho W9", serif }

*:lang(zh-tw) { font: 800 14pt/16.5pt "Li Sung", serif }

This selects any element that has the given language - Japanese or Traditional Chinese - and requests the appropriate font.

15.2.3 Font styling: the 'font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight' and 'font-stretch' properties

Value: normal | italic | oblique | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

The 'font-style' property requests normal (sometimes referred to as "roman" or "upright"), italic, and oblique faces within a font family. Values have the following meanings:

Specifies a font that is classified as 'normal' in the UA's font database.
Specifies a font that is classified as 'oblique' in the UA's font database. Fonts with Oblique, Slanted, or Incline in their names will typically be labeled 'oblique' in the font database. A font that is labeled 'oblique' in the UA's font database may actually have been generated by electronically slanting a normal font.
Specifies a font that is classified as 'italic' in the UA's font database, or, if that is not available, one labeled 'oblique'. Fonts with Italic, Cursive, or Kursiv in their names will typically be labeled 'italic'.


In this example, normal text in an H1, H2, or H3 element will be displayed with an italic font. However, emphasized text (EM) within an H1 will appear in a normal face.

H1, H2, H3 { font-style: italic }

H1 EM { font-style: normal }
Value: normal | small-caps | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

In a small-caps font, the glyphs for lowercase letters look similar to the uppercase ones, but in a smaller size and with slightly different proportions. The 'font-variant' property requests such a font for bicameral (having two cases, as with Latin script). This property has no visible effect for scripts that are unicameral (having only one case, as with most of the world's writing systems). Values have the following meanings:

Specifies a font that is not labeled as a small-caps font.
Specifies a font that is labeled as a small-caps font. If a genuine small-caps font is not available, user agents should simulate a small-caps font, for example by taking a normal font and replacing the lowercase letters by scaled uppercase characters. As a last resort, unscaled uppercase letter glyphs in a normal font may replace glyphs in a small-caps font so that the text appears in all uppercase letters.


The following example results in an H3 element in small-caps, with emphasized words (EM) in oblique small-caps:

H3 { font-variant: small-caps }

EM { font-style: oblique }

Insofar as this property causes text to be transformed to uppercase, the same considerations as for 'text-transform' apply.

Value: normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

The 'font-weight' property specifies the weight of the font. Values have the following meanings:

100 to 900
These values form an ordered sequence, where each number indicates a weight that is at least as dark as its predecessor.
Same as '400'.
Same as '700'.
Specifies the next weight that is assigned to a font that is darker than the inherited one. If there is no such weight, it simply results in the next darker numerical value (and the font remains unchanged), unless the inherited value was '900', in which case the resulting weight is also '900'.
Specifies the next weight that is assigned to a font that is lighter than the inherited one. If there is no such weight, it simply results in the next lighter numerical value (and the font remains unchanged), unless the inherited value was '100', in which case the resulting weight is also '100'.


P { font-weight: normal }   /* 400 */

H1 { font-weight: 700 } /* bold */
BODY { font-weight: 400 }
STRONG { font-weight: bolder } /* 500 if available */

Child elements inherit the computed value of the weight.

Value: normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

The 'font-stretch' property selects a normal, condensed, or extended face from a font family. Absolute keyword values have the following ordering, from narrowest to widest :

  1. ultra-condensed
  2. extra-condensed
  3. condensed
  4. semi-condensed
  5. normal
  6. semi-expanded
  7. expanded
  8. extra-expanded
  9. ultra-expanded

The relative keyword 'wider' sets the value to the next expanded value above the inherited value (while not increasing it above 'ultra-expanded'); the relative keyword 'narrower' sets the value to the next condensed value below the inherited value (while not decreasing it below 'ultra-condensed').

15.2.4 Font size: the 'font-size' and 'font-size-adjust' properties

Value: | | | | inherit
Initial: medium
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes, the computed value is inherited
Percentages: refer to parent element's font size
Media: visual

This property describes the size of the font when set solid. Values have the following meanings:

::definition of">
An keyword refers to an entry in a table of font sizes computed and kept by the user agent. Possible values are:

[ xx-small | x-small | small | medium | large | x-large | xx-large ]

On a computer screen a scaling factor of 1.2 is suggested between adjacent indexes; if the 'medium' font is 12pt, the 'large' font could be 14.4pt. Different media may need different scaling factors. Also, the user agent should take the quality and availability of fonts into account when computing the table. The table may be different from one font family to another.

Note. In CSS1, the suggested scaling factor between adjacent indexes was 1.5 which user experience proved to be too large.

::definition of">
A keyword is interpreted relative to the table of font sizes and the font size of the parent element. Possible values are:

[ larger | smaller ]

For example, if the parent element has a font size of 'medium', a value of 'larger' will make the font size of the current element be 'large'. If the parent element's size is not close to a table entry, the user agent is free to interpolate between table entries or round off to the closest one. The user agent may have to extrapolate table values if the numerical value goes beyond the keywords.

A length value specifies an absolute font size (that is independent of the user agent's font table). Negative lengths are illegal.
A percentage value specifies an absolute font size relative to the parent element's font size. Use of percentage values, or values in 'em's, leads to more robust and cascadable style sheets.

The actual value of this property may differ from the computed value due a numerical value on 'font-size-adjust' and the unavailability of certain font sizes.

Child elements inherit the computed 'font-size' value (otherwise, the effect of 'font-size-adjust' would compound).


P { font-size: 12pt; }

BLOCKQUOTE { font-size: larger }
EM { font-size: 150% }
EM { font-size: 1.5em }
Value: | none | inherit
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual

In bicameral scripts, the subjective apparent size and legibility of a font are less dependent on their 'font-size' value than on the value of their 'x-height', or, more usefully, on the ratio of these two values, called the aspect value (font size divided by x-height). The higher the aspect value, the more likely it is that a font at smaller sizes will be legible. Inversely, faces with a lower aspect value will become illegible more rapidly below a given threshold size than faces with a higher aspect value. Straightforward font substitution that relies on font size alone may lead to illegible characters.

For example, the popular font Verdana has an aspect value of 0.58; when Verdana's font size 100 units, its x-height is 58 units. For comparison, Times New Roman has an aspect value of 0.46. Verdana will therefore tend to remain legible at smaller sizes than Times New Roman. Conversely, Verdana will often look 'too big' if substituted for Times New Roman at a chosen size.

This property allows authors to specify an aspect value for an element that will preserve the x-height of the first choice font in the substitute font. Values have the following meanings:

Do not preserve the font's x-height.
Specifies the aspect value. The number refers to the aspect value of the first choice font. The scaling factor for available fonts is computed according to the following formula:
  y(a/a') = c


y = 'font-size' of first-choice font

a' = aspect value of available font
c = 'font-size' to apply to available font


For example, if 14px Verdana (with an aspect value of 0.58) was unavailable and an available font had an aspect value of 0.46, the font-size of the substitute would be 14 * (0.58/0.46) = 17.65px.