In Part 1 we created a classic two-column layout with left side navigation using CSS and only a few types of HTML tags.

Part 1 presented the code for the page and explained what HTML tags we were going to use. Now we will look at the actual HTML code used so far and the CSS.

Our page so far is really very simple. As you may already know, all the content (text, images, Flash etc) that the user sees when viewing a web page is marked-up/coded with HTML in-between the and tags*.

In this case we have this:

The Main Heading

Go to the Web Designers Killer Handbook home page and grab the practice HTML page that we will used as the starting template for this tutorial. You can find it under the heading: 'To create the practice HTML page do the following:'.

Follow the instructions there and create your basic HTML page ... and do it now!

In the above code we see that we have 2 main sections demarked by using
tags. As you learned in part one of this tutorial,
tags are designed to be used to create a 'division' in the document or in other words create a container. We have created two such containers and given them each of them a unique ID: