Create a nice header with brush tool tutorial

In this tutorial I'm going to explain you how to create a nice header with brush effect. I tried to give you as many images as possible. If you have any further questions you can always ask them by leavig a comment.

First of all open photoshop and create a new document like below:

Fill the background color with #666666 and get the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and select about 800 x 15 px on the top of a new layer(Ctrl + Shft + N). Fill this layer with anycolor you want. Now open the blending options and add these styles.

Apply a gradient overlay from #222222 to #000000 and end with #585858

And add a black stroke line from 1px.
Next we get the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) again and select an area from about 800 x 150 px just under the bar we created, this is for the header so pick what fits the best for you, create a new layer (Ctrl + Shft + N) and fill this layer with any color you want. And apply a gradient overlay like below.

And add a 1px Black stroke like on the image below.

Now select Layer 2 (The header layer) and Ctrl + Click it to select it or go to Select > Load Selection and hit OK. Next create a new layer (Ctrl + Shft + N) above the previous created layer, this would be layer 3, on this layer we are going to create the grass effect. Do not deselect! Take out your brush tool (B) and get the Dune Grass and the Grass brush (If you reset your brushes they should appear in the list). Now brush the bottom of your header until you get a effect like me.

Next create a new layer (Ctrl + Shft + N) and again select the header layer (like above) Select > Load Selection and hit OK or just Ctrl + Click and apply a gradient from #FFFFFF to transparent going to the right bottom corner. Now add some text and your header is ready. I added some brushes and some blending options on the text, feel free to do it as wel. This is my final outcome.